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Community Dancing Studios -

    In the future, implict consumption and the ability of creating are expected to be seen in the community, spaces there are suposed to be more sustainable and sharable.

      Nowadays, the spread of popular dance culture makes it a way for more and more young people to relax and express themselves. But there are not enough spaces for daily practice.

   Based on the background, this project was aimed to combine dance practice and performance spaces with community public spaces, exploring new interaction methods and new forms of public spaces that the community may generate in the future. 

BA Graduation Design

June 2020

Tutor: Huasen Zhao


#future commercial


#immersive space interaction 


So in this program, a modular dance practice room is designed. Starting with the user experience process in its service design, I established an online APP for dance lovers, which is a platform for dancers to communicate and learn.


At the same time, the APP is closely related to the offline dance practice spaces according to different communities chosen by users.The modular dance practice room is immersive and can be reserved online, meeting the needs of both dance lovers and other community members. Intelligent perception hardware and AR tech are also used on public interfaces. This becomes an important joint when social activity meets the community.

Portfolio2-2-Dance Studios in Communities.jpg
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